

Dani Brown, Gaëtan Brun-Picard


Tanzhaus NRW Düsselfdorf  -  


An international team of choreographers and dancers dives into the world of television and multimedia, seeking the most gripping "cliffhanger" moments within the language of dance.

They collaborate with academics, television screenwriters, and visual artists to create a dance piece that reads like a suspenseful TV show. Like a TV series, the performance is composed of several "episodes" in which each "character" has the opportunity to present themselves in all their individuality.

Three distinct teams each create an episode. Together, the three episodes form a cohesive whole.

CLIFFDANCERS is a dance piece that reveals the strength of the individual within the crowd, denouncing the addictive and dazzling effects of beautiful appearances, and playing on the art of survival in a world full of hidden temptations.

This performance is created by KOPERGIETERY & Tanzhaus nrw (Düsseldorf) within a broader international context. The aim is to deeply explore the relationship between dance and new media, in collaboration with numerous partners active in various fields.


Choreography, Dance Dani Brown, Gaëtan Brun-Picard
Dance Giulia Franceschini
Music, Video Alexandre Bouvier, Grégoire Simon (Yes Soeur!)
Scenery, light design Eva G. Alonso
Outside eye Hendrik Van Doorn

Production Tanzhaus nrw & KOPERGIETERY
