Jann Gallois



Diagnostic F20.9 is born of my interest in cerebral control mechanisms in regard to the body and thought. As a student of cognitive dysfunction, I immersed myself in the medical milieu of psychiatry, and I discovered a widespread disease, a victim of much prejudice and yet still misunderstood by mainstream culture: schizophrenia. The different encounters and exchanges that I was able to have with schizophrenics gave me the desire to transpose this mental disorder into a corporal vocabulary. People that are so rich in sensibility and intelligence merit, in my opinion, a witness that destigmatizes this disease.

Jann Gallois


Choreography, text and performance Jann Gallois
Sound design and video mapping Alexandre Bouvier
Light design Cyril Mulon
Costume Marie-Cécile Viault

Production Cie BurnOut

Coproductions Theatre de Suresnes Jean Vilar • Maison Folie Wazemmes de Lille • Arcadi ile-de- France / Dispositifs d’accompagnements • IADU (Fondation de France / La Villette avec le soutien de la caisse des Dépôts et de l’Acsé) • La Briqueterie / CDCN du Val-de-Marne • CDCN Atelier de Paris / Carolyn Carlson • Avec le soutien de la DRAC Île-de-France / Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication

Residencies SINARTS Cultural Center Budapest • 104 Paris • Anciennes cuisines / Fabrique artistique de Ville-Evrard

Thanks to Frédéric Le Van, Estelle Botvinik and the Colbert Medical Center of Paris

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