Sous Influence

Sous Influence


Sous Influence


Epidemic Clubbing

Initiated in Marseille on the rooftop terrace of La Friche Belle-de-Mai in August 2017, and later at Nuit Blanche 2018 in a school courtyard, Sous Influence is an epidemic, transgenerational techno clubbing event open to all. This choreographed dance, both epidermic and epidemic, is fueled by hundreds of amateur participants guided by professional dancers.

This peculiar community is governed by unconventional and uninhibited rules, which visitors must adopt. Reacting to color codes, after ten hours of workshops, bodies of all ages scream, convulse, create slow and colorful collective landscapes, soar, support, exult, allow themselves and invite others to join them in this collective trance.

Sous Influence was designed to reimagine social and architectural spaces and can be adapted to various venues (museum, school...) and contexts (experimental music festival, public space...).


Conception Eric Minh Cuong Castaing
Chorégraphie Eric Minh Cuong Castaing, avec Gaëtan Brun Picard
DJ set Yes Soeur! Alexandre Bouvier et Grégoire Simon
Intervenants danseurs du Ballet National de Marseille (Friche Belle de Mai) Dalila Cortes, Anusha Emrith, Perrine Gont, John Fou, Nans Pierson (Nuit Blanche Paris)
Dramaturgie Marine Relinger
Lumière Sébastien Lefèvre
Captation vidéo Nuit Blanche Paris Victor Zébo
Aide à la coordination Nuit Blanche Paris Lucie Calise

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